Our Team

The Board Of directors
Founder & Managing Partner
The Legit Team
Chief Legit Banda
Master Creative Banda
Master Content Banda
Master Influencer Marketing Banda
Influencer Management Banda
Influencer Marketing Banda
Influencer Marketing Banda
PR Marketing Banda
Influencer Management Banda
Influencer Management Banda
Operations Banda
Master Operations Banda
Jr. Content Banda
Jr. Influencer Marketing Banda
Jr. Influencer Marketing Banda
Influencer Marketing Banda
Influencer Marketing Banda
Jr. Influencer Management Banda

Our Legit Team at A Glance!

Legit Banda’s dynamic team makes it stand up among all. The high-performing individuals are the driving force behind innovation, productivity, and audience satisfaction that eventually leads to achieve greater values.

We always strive for sustainable growth through the best solutions a creative soul desires!

We always welcome you to join Legit Banda!